Snail drawing

Snail drawing

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Homemade bath melts

I had a few different things around the apartment that i felt would work perfectly for bath melts, and well they turned out great! It was really, really easy to make these. All i did was crush up some flowers(these were dried wild flowers, and dried rose petals) I only used the petals of the flowers i felt they held a lot of scent, and Coconut oil. I melted about four cups of the oil until it was all melted and clear, i added the petals in and let it simmer for ten minutes. I then poured the oil into a mini cupcake tray with dark chocolate chips in them. Popped the tray into the freezer and TADA! all done! just pop one into the bath and enjoy. I find it did make the bath oily (duh!) which made it great to shave with nothing but the water and it makes you smell fabulous! 

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